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Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fence of an enclosure in the Bronx Zoo

New Briefs Submitted in Support of Happy the Elephant’s Right to Liberty

Elephants imprisoned in a circus lay down in a cramped corner of a stadium waiting to be loaded with saddles to give rides at a fair

What Elephant Appreciation Day means to the NhRP

A chimpanzee in Uganda gazes into the distance with dense green foliage in the background.

Changing Minds about Nonhuman Animal Rights

A crowd watches as the orca Skā€™aliChā€™elh-tenaut is forced to perform in a small pool at the Miami Seaquarium

Why We Fight for Nonhuman Rights: Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s Story Part 2

The Commerford Zoo compels Minnie the elephant to stand on a stool at a fair.

Update on Minnie and New Actions to Help #FreeMinnie

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fencing of her enclosure in the Bronx Zoo's elephant exhibit.

The Latest Briefs in New York Elephant Rights Case

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