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Beulah the elephant lies on her side on the edge of a parking lot the day she died at he Big E fair.

Statement on the Death of our Elephant Client Beulah

A Commerford Zoo handler uses a bullhook to compel Karen the elephant to give rides at a fair.

NhRP to Commerford Zoo: Where are Beulah and Karen?

Thalia Field: Happy/That you have the body (The Mirror Test)

Swiss Court Rules Citizens Allowed to Vote on Primate Rights

Five people ride on the back of Minnie the elephant at a fair as a Commerford Zoo handler compels her to walk using a bullhook.

Second Petition Filed on Behalf of Captive Elephants in Connecticut

NhRP to Seek Review of Connecticut Superior Court Decision in Elephant Rights Case

Nonhuman Rights Project Statement on Naruto v. Slater

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