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Indian High Court Recognizes Nonhuman Animals As Legal Entities

What Is A Legal Person? Law Dictionary Corrects Decades-old Error

A chimpanzee sits pensively in a courtroom.

Film Screening and Meet & Greet in DC

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fence of an enclosure in the Bronx Zoo

Rally for Happy’s Freedom

NhRP Board Member Jane Goodall: “Never give up”

Hearing Scheduled for Earth Day in Connecticut Elephant Rights Case

Teaching Nonhuman Rights To High School Students

NhRP Seeks Appellate Review of Order to Transfer New York Elephant Rights Case to the Bronx

Swiss Court Rules Citizens Allowed to Vote on Primate Rights

“The key is ending injustice, period”

NhRP Seeks Transfer of Connecticut Elephant Rights Case to State’s Highest Court

Visiting Our Clients Hercules and Leo at Their New Sanctuary Home

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