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CWI: We Must Lift the Law Out of the 19th Century and Recognize Elephants’ Rights

Save Nosey Now: Elephants Aren’t Ours To Use and Abuse

Why This Conservation Research Scientist Joined the Fight for Nonhuman Rights for Elephants

Film Review: Okja Deserves Rights as More than a Golden Pig

Book Review: Reimagining Humanity & the Uncomfortability of Black Veganism

NhRP attorneys analyze the court's legally wrong ruling.

Why the First Department’s Decision In Our Chimpanzee Rights Cases Is Wildly Wrong

NhRP President Steven M. Wise, who argued in New York appellate court on behalf of two captive chimpanzees in March of 2017.

A Message From Steve to NhRP Supporters Re: Tommy & Kiko Appellate Decision

Steven M. Wise performs "Meant to Be Free" at an Unlocking the Cage premiere party in NYC

“Meant to Be Free”: The Music Video

Inci Demirkanli

Why the NhRP Matters to Me: Inci Demirkanli

A depressed male chimpanzee lays his head on his arm. In "How Animals Grieve," Barbara J. King writes about how chimpanzees and other nonhuman animals' emotional and social lives.

The Power of Science-Based Storytelling: An Interview with Barbara J. King

Valerie Traina explains why the fight for nonhuman rights matters to her.

Why the NhRP Matters to Me: Valerie Traina

Alexia Norton Jones as a child. The home in Riverdale, NY where Nim Chimpsky was held in captivity in the early 70s.

In Loving Memory of My Old Friend Nim Chimpsky

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