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Amicus Support for the Fight to #FreeHappy

A photo of #FreeHappy rally attendees

A Special Announcement and Thank You From NhRP President Steven M. Wise

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fence of an enclosure in the Bronx Zoo

Help End Happy’s 45 Years of Bronx Zoo Imprisonment

Foto de mona chorongo (Lagothrix lagotricha) por Evgenia Kononova (rĂ­o Taruma, Brazil), Wikimedia

A Landmark Ruling for Animal Rights in Ecuador

Free elephant holding branch in trunk - Sarah Vallance

The New Yorker Explores Our Legal Fight to #FreeHappy

A photograph of Happy the elephant standing in the Bronx Zoo elephant exhibit (October 2021)

NhRP Reply to AZA Arguments in Legal Fight to #FreeHappy

Foto de mona chorongo (Lagothrix lagotricha) por Evgenia Kononova (rĂ­o Taruma, Brazil), Wikimedia

Ecuador Recognizes Nonhuman Animals As Rightsholders

A photograph of Happy the elephant standing in the Bronx Zoo elephant exhibit (October 2021)

16 Years Alone: #FreeHappy Day of Action

With chimpanzee Ham standing next to him, a NASA technician goes over equipment in preparation for launch. Ham looks curious and trusting.

Why We Fight for Nonhuman Rights: Ham’s Story

A photo of African elephants gathering at a watering hole. One adult elephant appears to look directly at the camera.

What’s in store for 2022!

An adult elephant gently guides a baby elephant to step into a pool of water as sunlight falls from the trees.

2021 Annual Report

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