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An adult elephant gently guides a baby elephant to step into a pool of water as sunlight falls from the trees.

2021 Annual Report

Foto de mona chorongo (Lagothrix lagotricha) por Evgenia Kononova (río Taruma, Brazil), Wikimedia

Constitutional Court of Ecuador Urged to Recognize Animals As Rightsholders

“The most important animal-rights case of the 21st century”

A photo taken in a of a gorilla smiling thoughtfully

NhRP Again Named Top-Rated Nonprofit Thanks To Supporter Reviews

South African Judge Submits Brief in Support of Elephant Rights Case

A herd of elephants, some with their trunks raised, walk together at sunset

The NhRP’s #ActiveForAnimalRights Virtual Race

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fence of an enclosure in the Bronx Zoo

New Briefs Submitted in Support of Happy the Elephant’s Right to Liberty

Elephants imprisoned in a circus lay down in a cramped corner of a stadium waiting to be loaded with saddles to give rides at a fair

What Elephant Appreciation Day means to the NhRP

A chimpanzee in Uganda gazes into the distance with dense green foliage in the background.

Changing Minds about Nonhuman Animal Rights

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fencing of her enclosure in the Bronx Zoo's elephant exhibit.

World-Renowned Philosopher Martha Nussbaum Supports New York Elephant Rights Case

An illustration of one orca nuzzling the face of another, smaller orca in the open ocean

Why We Fight for Nonhuman Rights: Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s Story Part 1

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fencing of her enclosure in the Bronx Zoo's elephant exhibit.

What We’re Asking for in Our Fight to #FreeHappy

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