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Ways to support our unique fight for animal rights this Giving Tuesday

By Kelly Holt

Imagine a day in the life of our client Jambo. For years, Jambo’s world has been limited to concrete walls, wire fences, and strangers watching her every move. In the wild, elephants roam for miles–socializing, playing, and nurturing bonds that last a lifetime. Yet Jambo—brilliant, sensitive, and deserving of freedom, as all elephants are—has spent her days in an unnatural isolation. The Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP), brings before courts and legislatures what scientists have long confirmed: that Jambo is an autonomous individual, and she is legally entitled to the right to live freely, on her terms, with dignity.

At the NhRP we are on a mission to break through the legal barriers that keep animals like Jambo suffering in confinement. Through groundbreaking litigation and tireless advocacy, we’re working to secure fundamental rights for nonhuman animals, challenging an outdated legal system that sees them as “things” rather than beings with interests that matter.

In honor of Giving Tuesday (December 3rd)–the single biggest giving day of the year–we humbly invite you to join us in our fight for autonomous nonhuman beings like Jambo.

Legal battles take time, and the wheels of justice turn slowly, but we make greater strides in our pursuit of justice when we work together. In the face of an uphill battle, our commitment is steadfast and we will continue to push for progress, where it’s most needed, without pause.

If you share our vision for a just future for our fellow animals, we hope you’ll support our work this Giving Tuesday.

GivingTuesday Nonhuman Rights Project Elephant

Ways to Support the NhRP this Giving Tuesday


Animals need strong legal advocates fighting for their intrinsic rights for as long as it takes–and this costs money, especially given the billion-dollar industries that want to see this work fail. Every donation truly makes a meaningful and lasting difference in challenging the unjust legal status quo. You don’t have to wait for Giving Tuesday to donate! Donate here today (every dollar raised on Giving Tuesday will be eligible for matching funds).

Host a Fundraiser

Tis’ the season of giving! Why not invite your friends and family to participate in a cause that matters to you? We promise, it’s easy: Get started here with our Fundraising Toolkit.

Share Your Support Story

It was Jane Goodall, NhRP Board Member, who said: “And how do you get into the heart? With stories.” Share why you give to the NhRP on social media. If you post on social media, be sure to tag us and use the hashtag #GivetoNhRP so we can see it too!

Shop Our Collections

Perhaps you’re looking for holiday gifts or a way to show your support for nonhuman rights all year-round. Purchasing NhRP merchandise is another wonderful way to donate and show your support for our mission. Shop the collections.

Thank you for your generosity, for your support, and your participation in our unique mission.

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